The Conon Bridge Community Trust was born on Thursday 27 June 2024. The Group of invited individuals agreed to the formation of a Trust and will now work to get the views of all residents in Conon Bridge, including defining the Area of Benefit.

Decide the boundary of the Trust - the Area of Benefit - is more difficult than it might seem. Some of the options are outlined below.


Community Engagement

We will actively engage with the local community to obtain community support for the establishment of the Trust. It is recognised that without this, the Trust will not be formed.

Educational Travel

Through our travel activities, we will promote sustainability and raise awareness about environmental issues.


Sustainability Projects

The Trust will spearhead sustainability projects that aim to reduce carbon footprint and promote eco-friendly practices. One of the principal objectives will be the reclamation of the 6.2 acres of Contaminated Land adjacent to the popular salmon fishing River Conon.


The currently informal Group comprises of 9 individuals in Conon Bridge - who have agreed to participate in determining the way forward to establish a Trust.

The individuals were asked by John Bruce, Chair of the Community Council to help with the formation of the Trust.


The Steering Group Members are

John Bruce, CB Community Council

David Burt, Conon Bridge & Maryburgh Cycle Club

Hazel Bushell - Former Treasurer CBCC and SWI

Seumus Connel-Skinner - Conon Community Group

John Gilmour - CB Community Council

Ali Matheson - Conon Amenities Assoc.

Stephen MacDonald - Ferintosh Church 

Angelika von Calle - Windsor Place Residents Association

David Whiteford - Conon Hotel


The List above is not definitive. If any Conon Resident feels they have particular skills to help with the formation of the Trust, please let us know, using the email address below.


What Type of Trust

A Company; A Charity or Shareholder owned.

The Steering Group has recommended that the  Trust should be formed as

 A Company limited by guarantee (often referred to as a CLG, which may or may not have charitable status).

It is hoped that the Conon Bridge Community Trust will focus on community ventures and travel activities aimed at promoting environmental awareness and protection. We believe in the power of collective action to create a positive impact on, and improve, Conon Bridge.


The Area of Benefit of a Trust is the geographical area within which the Trust can operate. The Steering Group would hope to get this right.

The Options are the Community Council area, as shown to the right; Parliamentary Polling District CS08D (maybe including part of Ferintosh CC) or defined postcodes.

Double click on the CC Map to the right to see the Options.


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Get in touch

Telephone:  07849 035 411


Address: c/o 16 Ellis Park,

Conon Bridge



Aithneachadh:  A h-uile dealbh Drone le
Marc Caimbeul

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